ThE BlOg Of PuLlEn Simple Life of Pullen :):(
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Review of CME
well there was the cme project which u have to know peoples good and bad points, and urs too. and the reflection about how u respect ur body and not brimg harm to it.the next was total defence. it teaches us about how to prevent singapore from harm. it also shows us that singapore is not invincible. then there is creating ur blog. soon came the family project. it is to reganised how great ur parents are and why they scold u. then the group project,and the biggest so far. we have to talk either myself or family(we are doing it right now). i think thats all from term one. tata

Saturday, February 14, 2009

More Web knick-knacks? Go to

happy valentines days

Friday, February 13, 2009
worst day of the week
Wow what a day yesterday . the NPCC training is tough. stomping ur feet all the time, intensive drills and a wohle lot more, but my brother say thats not the worst. oh the irony. now my feets are hurting like mad. worst still , i have to carry shopping stuffs all the way home. tiring, yes. the bag was 6kg and i have to walk in the heat for 2km with my feet and hand aching from the NPCC training.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
hi my name is pullen ur leg. i have many complication in which is personal. so i created this blog to share my feelings. the only thing standing me from depression is my parentsand my brother. they helped me through thick and thin. i have to thank them for helping me. however sometimes my brother likes to "toture" me . one example is that when i am playing my brother will tell me to get out and cause trouble to my parents. even though so my parents still love him. my parents "fight" with each other and can flare up about money problems. but thank god thats over, for now.

That person
Jonathan Chua
3rd May 1996
Kranji Pri 2002 - 2008
Zhenghua Sec 2009 - 2013

Musical Notes
W. spells


Many fun times with friends

February 2009
April 2009
Thanks for seeing my blog:)!

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